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Unlock your potential and create your pathway to success.


Strategic Priorities of the Office for Career Success


The Office for Career Success will establish uniform, campus-wide standards and learning expectations for internships across all academic undergraduate and graduate programs.

MAY 2023

Using the Career Champions task force group, create an internal roadmap for succeeding with this priority.

AUGUST 2023 

Synthesize variations and similarities of each academic program’s internship program by collecting and recording their programming expectations. Obtain research on evidence-based practices.


Issue recommendations that align with the newly created 4-year career milestone pathway for undergraduate students and describes how faculty, staff, students, alumni, and employers can create success for the student's internship.


Execute full rollout with university executive leadership, faculty, staff, and OCS team.

Rationale: Our Career Leadership Collective consultants recommend increased intentionality to ensure career-related experiences. This allows Gallaudet University to truly impact students by requiring two career-related experiences prior to graduation. The campus is already primed for such a requirement given the high number of students employed on campus and the proximity to world class internships in Washington, D.C. Each academic program would still retain autonomy in defining specifics around the requirements for these career experiences.

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